
SESSION 1:How information systems supported business?(REVISED)

HEY, what is this?It is a coupon.

Can you all see the bottom right hand corner ?

BARCODE is an automatic identification system that allows data to be captured about people, materials, methods, machines, measurements, and environments.

For example, the goods sell in supermarket. We can read the price in the cashier easily, so that the cashier no need to move around to searching the price of goods.

Moreover, the airlines handle many luggage everyday. It's difficult to identify the luggage where to go, whose it is. We use barcode to record it. It make the tasks more smooth.

Smart ID card which is issued by HKSAR for Hong Kong citizens on 2003. It is a usful ID card. There are the others function of smart iD card expect to being identification suxh as enjoying library service.

The personal data will be read from the smart ID card once, then transferred to the library computer system. When borrowing or renewing library materials, just the ID card number and date of issue will be read then checked against the records in the library’s computer system. In the furture, it may be developed as a card which can be octupus and credit card. There is a large store in the smart ID key. The smrt ID key divide in certain parts and it owns the security. We can read specific data that we want.

Let's imagine that combine the barcode and Smart ID. We put the smart ID key in our human body and make a tattoo "BARCODE".

We scan the barcode to identify us. We use our human body to travel everywhere like using Octupus.

What is the world will be?

The answer is " i am a machine".

1 則留言:

  1. It's now possible for pet dogs to have a chip inserted under the skin that allows them to be identified. So you're right, in the future, humans may be required to walk around with a chip implanted under the skin for easy identification. Scary thought, eh ?
